Dr. Dhruvin Shah

Gall Stone & CDB Stone

Gall Stone & CDB Stone

Gallstones forming in the gallbladder are the most frequent source of blocked bile ducts. In relation, bile duct stones can evolve anywhere in the bile duct where bile is present: inside the liver, the gallbladder as well as the bile ducts. Gallstones and bile duct stones are generally made up of cholesterol

or bile salts the prevalent components of bile that have toughened into a stone. These stones can cause rapid pain when the cystic duct in the gallbladder or the prevalent bile duct from the liver is obstructed. Virginia Mason gastroenterologists treat this common issue in adults and children with non-invasive endoscopic innovation.

Gallstones and bile duct stones may be cured with medications first to help control the infection. They may also be treated with miniaturized surgical techniques inserted through an ERCP at the time of treatment. Conversely, stones may be handled with drugs that decompose them, with lithotripsy that uses sound waves to break them down, or with surgery to disable the gallbladder.